Dentro lecostruzioni HOBBY KITS troverete tutto il neccessario per l’assemblaggio. Per costruire basta seguire il semplice opuscolo illustrattivo realizzato utilizzando simboli illustrativi comprensibili da qualsiasi bambino delmondo. Gli elementi principali sono dei quadrati precisamente lavorati in legno di pino con le misure di 9×9 in lunghezza da 16 a 230 mm realizzati per costruire le pareti. La superfice dei tetti e terrazzi e’realizzata in compensato di 3 mm che poi viene incollato con il cartone stampato. Le porte e lefinestre sono rivestite in cartone stampato. Ciascuna delle costruzioni si incolla con della colla per il legno e carta,(non in dotazione).Il manuale contiene piccoli suggerimenti riguardo a costruzioni e storia dell’architettura locale. I modelli sono in misura 1:32. Le costruzioni ultimate, sono un tocco estetico per le camerette dei bambini, si prestano ai giochi con delle macchinette, figurine e bambole, a Natale possono fornire un supporto per il presepe.
Storia dell'edificio
The construction kit you have represents one of several types of traditional village structures. Wood, favorite construction material of our ancestors, used to be readily available to almost everybody. This material allowed construction of numerous beautiful wooden structures throuhout Europe. The size, architectural complexity, and aesthetic beauty of different structures reflected the prosperity and taste of their owners. Wood was used not only for construction of family dwellings, but also for farm buildings, churches, guildhalls, and other structures in traditional villages. Stone, another frequently used building material, was used for construction of cellars and building foundations. There were many skillful carpenters among farmers, who could construct the walls, make the windows, doors, and furniture. The roof was traditionally covered with wood shingles. Construction of wooden houses became eventually standardized, allowing effective production of individual house components such as doors and windows by specialized wood craftsmen. When you are building your project, realize that you will be going through the same stages of construction as your ancestors did. The construction kits available in this series will allow you to create a traditional European village containing all major components of everyday life. Enjoy your project ! The kit in this package contains all materials necessary for construction of a smithy forge. These buildings were in all larger villages and were a home of a blacksmith. The blacksmith played an important role in everyday life of villagers because he would make or repair their tools, manufacture metal parts for their carrlages, horseshoes, and make numerous metal items for their houses.